In the beginning....there Wasa Wasa
One of the places where I listen to music is in the car. I'm making long journeys between the South-East and the North-West of England, and vice versa. This gives me a lot of time to listen. For part of the journey I listen to BBC 6 Music, depending on who's on, but most of the time I listen to albums. I have a system. There's a high-capacity USB stick which contains all the albums (I remove them once I've listened to them and need the space for new albums) I have bought recently (a loose term, could be two or more years ago), but the main point is they are albums I've not listened to all the way through, yet. I work through them alphabetically by title and am currently going through 'T'. There are a lot of albums whose title begins 'The', which is where I am. Occasionally my desire to listen to a new album means that I go crazy and listen out of sequence. Enough about my methodical madness. 'The Harvest Years' is a compilation of th...